Thursday 28 March 2013


Just a few photos of those Little Brown Jobs that people try to overlook. I was standing outside the house and noticed there were a few Little Brown Jobs wandering around...
...and they were joined by 3 other, slightly larger, Little Brown Jobs
Getting a bit further afield I came across a long legged Big Little Brown Job on the grass...
...and another Little Brown Job on the shore.
A Little Brown Job that isn't a Little Brown Job was moving one of the other Little Brown Jobs around.
Hopefully that should clear up any problems with Little Brown Jobs and how to identify them - the book should be in the shops....never;-) From the top they are Meadow Pipit, Skylark, a Curlew struggling against the wind, a classic Rock Pipit and a female Stonechat. Mr Stonechat could never be an LBJ!


Gordon said...

Love that shot of the Otter showing its fangs Bryan, also the Buzzard, and the Stonechat.
All the best Gordon.

Bryan Rains said...

Cheers, Gordon.