Tuesday 20 October 2015

Two months.

July and August produced another good batch of photos.
Adders were seen regularly.
 Common Buzzard on a rock for a change.
 Common Blue taken with mobile phone.
 Common Sandpiper.
 Red Deer in velvet.
 Emperor Moth caterpillar.
 Golden Eagles had a poor year...
 ...but they showed well.
 Hen Harrier avoiding the Hoodie.
 Lesser Redpoll.
 Nuthatch was a surprise bird.
 Osprey hung around for the season.
 Otter with a fish tongue!
 Otter heading for a culvert.
 Snipe chipping.
 Swallow stretching.
 White-tailed Eagle coming in to land.
 Just the one youngster this year but she's a big one.
 WT Eagle flying over.

Friday 9 October 2015

I'm back

It's been a long time but I lost the will to live with blogger due to the internet problems. It took seven months to get it fixed - Facebook was easier to upload to so that has been a big help. I'm jut dabbling at the moment so here are few photos from earlier in the year - March to June in no particular order...

 Common Sandpiper
 Golden Eagle
 Golden Plover
 Golden-ringed Dragonfly
 Male Hen Harrier
 Female Hen Harrier
 Montain Hare

 Common Seal
 Common Snipe
 White-tailed Eagle