Wednesday 28 August 2013

Back to normal.

Before I set off to pick up the guests for the day a pair of Common Crossbill were feeding at the top of the conifers - we did see a couple later in the day too.
A bit of a quiet start to the day but it wasn't too long before we found a WT Eagle perched in a tree.
A couple of RT Diver were fishing on the loch...
...and while we watched an Otter surfaced just behind them. We decided to wait to see if the Otter would come closer - the reward was worth the wait!
It was a bit drizzly as we headed for the Adders but we still found one out in the open - you can see the droplets on the Adder.
While we tried to get better views of two Golden Eagles that were perched up another Adder was found crossing the track.
A visit to the beach was fairly productive with nice views of Ringed Plover, Rock Pipit...
...and Rock Dove.
A Small Tortoiseshell was soaking up the heat on a piece of wood at the edge of the beach.
Another WT Eagle was found peering over a ridge...
...just before we had good views of Skylark and a Mountain Hare.

Tuesday 27 August 2013


After the wedding and the showers...
...the kids stayed in for a bit of Mull therapy.

All the usual trips to the beach and wandering around in the landscape will always produce something of interest. Feral Goats hung around when we went to the beach - a bit too close with the wind blowing their scent right at us!
Plenty of butterflies were seen but the grandkids were a bit too keen to get close - a Peacock is always a delight though.
An Adder was an exciting sighting for all but there wasn't much excitement for the Black Darters that were flying along the forest tracks.
A superb sighting of a couple of Golden Eagle had me wishing I'd had the DSLR with me.

Friday 23 August 2013


No honeymoon period apart from taking the Sunday off and then straight back into the tours. Normal service will return soon but for now there are just the photos from the tours...plenty of Cormorant sightings but most of them are too far for photos.
An Otter cleaning itself on the shore was a treat but no Otter the following day.
The Hooded Crows are starting to gather into bigger groups now the young are fledged.
A couple of sightings of this Hen Harrier were worth the chase.
I have no idea what this WT Eagle is carrying but it was taking it back for the youngster.
We still get the occasional sighting of Common Crossbill but getting a female...
...and a male sitting at the top of a tree long enough for a view through the scope was a treat.
The Golden Eagles were a bit of a struggle but our persistence paid off when two birds took to the air...
...and one of the birds came in for a closer look.
We saw this Adder shedding it's skin on the first tour and seen it in it's shiny new form the following day.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


I've been a bit busy and not taking too many photos but the last tour I had before the kids arrived produced an awesome Golden Eagle encounter. It was a good enough sighting as the bird wheeled around in the distance before dropping out of sight.
When it reappeared it headed straight for us to have a good look...
...and then drifted off!
The reason for all the busy spells is that Joy and I got married! One seriously happy man:-)

Tuesday 13 August 2013

A trio of tours.

The camera has not seen that much action recently and I've had a few of days off. So, the headlines would be that the WT Eagle chick is moving about a fair bit but the adults are showing well, Golden Eagle sightings have been pretty good but I've missed out an Otter sighting on two occasions. Hen Harrier sightings have been of male birds with only one female seen - I've not had any youngsters at all! Other bits of interest have included a Whimbrel...
...some good sightings of the pale Common Buzzard...
...and some nice sightings of the Buzzards drying their wings after the showers.
A fairly rare sightings for me was a Yellowhammer that was carrying food - good evidence that they have young.
The Red Deer stags are still sporting the velvet but it won't be long before it's off.
I thought that this Adder was ready to give birth about a week ago but I've not seen any young yet - I could easily have missed them.
Not the best of Golden Eagle photos but at least there was some blue sky!

Friday 9 August 2013


While picking up the guests we found an Otter so I dropped off the guests I had and went to pick up the others. Luckily, on my return the Otter was still around and we managed to get decent views.
We struggled to get views of a feeding RT Diver from the same spot but that's the way it goes sometimes. Stunning views of both the adult WT Eagles were had. Initially there was just one bird in the trees...
...but the other bird flew in and landed a bit closer - awesome!
A pair of RT Diver were seen not long after that. They were close to shore to start with but a boat was lifting lobster pots in the same place so they eventually flew off.
Another Otter was seen on the shore cleaning itself - lovely to watch.
A male Hen Harrier was seen as we drove along and the usual selection of waders were seen - Golden Plover, Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Curlew. It was a long wait for Golden Eagle but the 3 Adders that we saw kept us amused.
A couple of Whinchat were seen while we waited for the big birds. Once we picked up one Golden Eagle in the distance it wasn't too long before we had another three in our sights. Another WT Eagle was seen sitting on the rocks in a bay and another bird was seen flying over the road in a different location.
A good showing from the Mountain Hares with five of them picked up, the Skylarks were as close as ever and a Dunlin was seen close by.

Wednesday 7 August 2013


Another decent view of the WT Eagle to start the day - looks like it has a headdress!
Awesome views of Golden Eagle were had next as we watched one of the birds bring in a Mountain Hare - didn't have the shutter speed for a sharper shot.
I think this the same bird coming in again but we'll not worry too much about that.
Good views of a Whinchat perched on the fence - it stayed long enough for photos too.
I thought I better put another Swallow shot on as they will soon be heading south for the winter.
Adder showed well - easy to see but not so easy to get a shot...
...but I can't say the same about the Golden-ringed Dragonfly!
Another cracking day out was finished of with a Mountain Hare and stunning views of the Skylarks.