Monday 30 September 2013

Back on line

I'm back on line at last which should make the blogging a bit easier. First off I will have to catch up...
A grubby start to this day didn't detract from the sightings of Snipe, PF Goose, Skylark and a Northern Wheatear that, I presume, is passing through.
On the way to our next stop it was trying really hard to start raining but despite that we got some decent views of three Golden Eagle circling over a hill. When the rain started they disappeared. Another couple of Wheatear were seen and a small group of four Yellowhammer - a bird I don't see enough of!
A WT Eagle was heard calling and located perched at the top of a tree. The bird did the right thing, took off and flew straight over the top of us!
Another two, adult, WT Eagle were seen at the next stop. A scan across the loch gave us some views of Kittiwake, Eider, RT Diver and winter plumaged Black Guillemot. A male Hen Harrier was a superb sighting for most of the guests as it hunted the hillside and ate it's catches on a post. A couple of Adder were seen but they are getting difficult to locate. Every sighting of these reptiles could be last of the year now.
Two more Golden Eagle were located sitting on a hill while we viewed two more WT Eagle at fairly close quarters.
Otter was the only thing we hadn't seen so an elusive one was a welcome sight but this was quickly followed by a more obliging beast.
Golden Plover, Dunlin, Turnstone and GN Diver were all seen but the sighting of the day, for me, was a pair of Grey Wagtail - another cracking day out.

Saturday 28 September 2013


A cracking start was had to this tour as we picked up all three divers. We had a look for Red Deer in misty conditions and found a few. A couple of Curlew were along the shore...
...while some Eiders and a single RT Diver were further out. The next diver we found was in bad light so we moved along and discovered it was a cracking BT Diver.
Next up was the GN Diver which showed well enough and an Otter on the rocks rolling about. Not a bad start to the day. Next up was a Pipistrelle Bat, with a youngster, clinging to a wall. If you look carefully you can see the youngsters feet either side of the tail.
The usual waders were still about and cracking views of two Golden Eagle were had while we had lunch.
A single Adder was seen by me but nobody else seen it as it moved off quite quickly. Ravens are being seen in good numbers at the moment and it was nice to get two perched up at the side of the road.
We only got a brief view of a WT Eagle but at least everyone seen it. Mountain Hare showed well...
...and a Pink-footed Goose was found amongst the Greylags.
On the return journey we got cracking views of an Otter as it clambered over the rocks.

Thursday 26 September 2013

The pale Buzzard

Not too many photos taken for this one but still a good day out. Cracking views of the pale Buzzard as it was hovering at the road side.
A couple of Turnstone were seen with the other waders.A Dipper was flying along the river as both of the adult WT Eagles were perched up in the conifers close by.
Cracking views of an Otter were had...
...and there were plenty of Red Deer were on show while we watched a distant Golden Eagle. Another two Golden Eagle were seen at closer range and a single Adder was still on view.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Doc turned up complaining he hadn't seen many Otters as yet so we decided to give it a bash. The sea was choppy so we didn't hold out much hope but at our second stop I caught a glimpse of an Otter in the rough water. It was heading away from us so we switched location and settled down to wait. After a few views it eventually came ashore with a fish.
The showers were pushing through quite hard but just as a shower passed the Otter started heading for shore. I got in a decent position and no sooner was I there then the Otter appeared right in front of me...
...but then he changed his mind and headed back out for a clean up.
We waited to see what he would do. It wasn't too long before he came back towards us, gave us a good look...
...and then walked right underneath us! An awesome encounter that left us both grinning. A quick look around after that produced a single Golden Eagle, the unmistakeable profile of a GN Diver... adult WT Eagle and a few Greenshank.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


No internet again so I'm falling behind with the posts. I don't have much time to do this one so here we go...
WT Eagle was seen in the morning plus decent views of an Otter on the move.
There are plenty of Buzzards to be seen now that the youngsters are showing well.
Golden Plover are still hanging in, GN Divers are starting to appear - nice to see them back. A trip to the beach provided a chance for close views of Rock Pipit...
...Hooded Crow...
...and a cracking Northern Wheatear.
Mountain Hares are showing well at the moment but the Skylarks are the ones that everyone is amazed at.

Friday 20 September 2013


Still a bit damp but with improving conditions for this tour. The Lapwing were feeding in a field next to the road...
...and a Northern Wheater was hopping along the fence posts.
Probably the same GN Diver showed a lot better today...
...and both the WT Eagles were perched in trees.
A RT Diver was seen while we scanned through a flock of Eider on the loch. Distant views of a Golden Eagle were improved on when we found a closer bird with another three flying together. There were plenty of Field Gentian in flower... Adder was basking in the sun...
...and we checked out the Grass of Parnassus.
We found a juvenile WT Eagle sitting on a hillock, an adult WT Eagle perched on a rock in the sea, Hooded Crows were enjoying the nicer weather...
...and a Stonechat was quite obliging.
A couple of Mountain Hare were seen with one of them close enough for photos until the sheep moved it on.

Thursday 19 September 2013

A wet one

It was one of those days where we were just waiting for the rain to start. Not too bad in the morning after overnight rain gave us the chance to see Otter...
...and a GN Diver wouldn't play ball. Lapwing and Golden Plover were winkled out and a Golden eagle was found just as the rain came down in earnest. The afternoon was mostly wet but the highlights were Ringed Plover, Skylark and a very sorry looking Swallow.
The waterfalls were tremendous to look at...
...and a Mountain Hare crossed our path in the afternoon. Not too bad for a wet one!

Tuesday 17 September 2013


A nice surprise at the start of this tour - three Goosander roosting on the shore.
 No sign of any WT Eagle on a first look around but we did see two Otters and a cracking Buzzard.
A Grey Heron provided some amusement as peered through the bars on a cattle feeder.
 Good views of RB Merg...
...and Golden Plover were had before the sighting of the day.
We were heading for lunch when a large raptor was spotted coming towards us, we stopped and jumped out just in time to see a Golden Eagle cruise past. It's mate wasn't too far behind. Obviously we had to follow and maybe we would get a better view. They only started to hunt close to the road - awesome!
Better again was when one of the birds spotted something on the ground, turned on a pin and plummeted earthwards.
I was mildly disappointed to see that the impressive stoop resulted in nothing.
The birds soon moved off but as they headed off our attention was taken up by an adult WT Eagle. We had the bird in flight and on the ground but once again we had the pleasure of watching an eagle hunting. The bird turned in the air and sailed towards it's intended victim - once again this attempt ended in failure.
It was all going to be downhill after that - Swallows continue to gather in various places before they head off south.
Good views of Mountain Hare...
...and a nice view of Red Deer at the end of the day.