Sunday 28 July 2013


A good showing of waders on this tour with Golden plover, Dunlin and Ringed Plover all seen but that was as good as it got. We saw the WT Eagle chick but no show from the adults and no sign of any Otters so a Meadow Pipit got the treatment instead!
Things will always come good eventually so it was cracking views of Golden Eagle that made the day. They flew around for a good hour as they were hunting the hillside and it's not often that you see one of these giants hovering - well, it's holding station in the wind but it's still impressive.
Good views of an Adder were had before one of the Golden Eagles came in for a closer look.
We did get a look at an adult WT Eagle and a couple of Otters in the afternoon - one of the Otters came for a closer look at us too.

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