Friday, 30 September 2011

Catch up.

It's been a few days since the last post but here is a quick run down of the last tour and a couple of bits since then. A cracking start to the tour as we picked up a total of four Otters on the way to pick up the last of the guests. We had to backtrack to one of the Otters when everyone was on board and managed to find two! This was the closest.
A bit of a blank sky when we looked for raptors but we had a distant view of a Hen Harrier and a WT Eagle just as we were moving on. Plenty of waders on the shore with Grey Plover, Golden Plover, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Turnstone, Redshank and Greenshank all seen. Two Golden Eagles performed well after doing a disappearing act for 5 minutes.
There are not many Swallows hanging around now so the 5 birds that we saw were a good find - I'm sure there will be a few more before the year is out. Not much else to report so the Rock Dove gets a spot on the blog!
A migrant Blackbird put in an appearance too.
The usual sightings of WT Eagle over the last few days of birds flying over and the Otters continue to be elusive but show well when you find them.
That's the end of another month but October should provide plenty of interest as the winter visitors start to arrive.

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