Monday 6 April 2009


The last 3 days have been spent doing non birding things.......mostly! I had another count of the GN Divers on the loch and managed to get 40 which was quite tremendous. That could be the peak number for this year but I'll keep checking.
This Buzzard was perching in a better suited place in a dead tree - better than the telegraph pole scenario anyway. The 2 Sand Martin that I saw the other day are either still around or have been replaced by two fresh ones but still no sign of any Swallows yet!
Yesterday was taken up with a pleasant walk on the beach and a wander up the hill to get some scenic shots. Not a great deal on the beach apart from the Rock Pipits but the local pair of Ravens were there to greet us at the cairn. A Golden Eagle was patrolling the ridges in the distance with at least 4 Buzzards enjoying the day too. We disturbed a Mountain Hare while wandering across the moor which was a lucky sighting as they tend to stay in good cover round here - no surprise with the Goldies not too far away!
The view South from the cairn gives good views of some of the other Islands.....the 4 distant hills are the 'Paps of Jura' with the closer island being Colonsay.
Looking SE from the same place you can see the flatter part of Jura and also Scarba. Between the two islands is where you will find the Corryvreckan whirlpool - stunning views though.
Back down on the beach the rock formations are superb with the Mica Schist glistening in the sun.
The trip back from the beach gave us superb views of a male Hen Harrier hunting beside the road. It's always nice when you don't have to try too hard!

1 comment:

Alan Tilmouth said...

I've been on one of those RIB trips around that whirlpool, great views of loads of Manx Shearwater and a few Bottle Nose Dolphin as I remember.