Thursday 22 March 2012

Little brown jobs.

A quick run out on Tuesday in poor conditions (what a surprise!) had me watching the Great Northern Divers. Not that many close to shore but it was interesting to see how the moult is coming on. Most of them have an all dark bill now and the feathers across the back seem to be changing on a daily basis now - you can see how tatty this one looks.
Wednesday was a better day all round but still overcast. Plenty of eagle sightings of both kinds but nothing close enough for the camera. I had good views of an Otter in the morning but it managed to disappear before I had a chance with the camera - I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities. One of the little brown jobs seems quite happy to pose...
...but the male Stonechat seems to keep his distance. Another little brown job that is hard to miss is the Meadow Pipit. It's nice to see them displaying again and don't they look smart?
I had a wander along the road too and put up what I thought was a Song Thrush. After a careful approach the bird hopped into view in a small bush - a cracking Redwing!


Linda said...

Wow...thanks for the beautiful nature walk.

Bryan Rains said...

Thanks for dropping by, Wren, glad you enjoyed the post.