Monday the weather held until the evening when we finally got some rain. The tour was a real treat as we started the day with quite good views of a Short-eared Owl.
The bird was happy to sit on it's post until a car pulled up behind us and they promptly got out for a better view - clever! Grey Heron - what can you say? Stunner.
We were lucky enough to see an Oystercatcher flying in to feed one of it's youngsters on the shore.
The adult WT Eagles just bring food to the nest and keep out of the way as the chicks get larger.
A Meadow Pipit posed just outside the window long enough to get a couple of snaps.
A Golden Eagle kept us entertained for some time but it was nothing compared to the male Hen Harrier that was happy to show off his skill at hunting.
Too much excitement in one day can't be good for you so here is a calming picture of a Lapwing - that's better!
Lovely photo's Bry!
Love the short eared owl.
There's certainly excitement there. The harrier, owl and young oystercatchers are superb.
Cheers for the comments.
Iain - sometimes I get it right but mostly not!
Lapland - The owls do pose well!
Russell - Still looking for the sharp Harrier day.
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