Saturday, 13 April 2013

Ton of birds and some flowers.

Left to my own devices and in charge of a camera I was out there snapping away at anything that would stay still long enough. I started off with this Common Gull...
...and that was almost the extent of the birds. There was plenty to be seen but I got distracted by a bleating lamb...
...who then started to gambol. Note to Postie - all four feet off the ground;-)
The flowers have been catching my eye for a couple of weeks now so I thought I might as well have a go at them too. Lesser Celandine is starting to carpet the ground in places.
A bankside full of Primroses always looks spectacular but you can't get a poor display of this stunner.
I had a look around for Butterwort but they are not even budding yet so I had to settle for Pale Butterwort instead.
Oh look, a bird, quick with the camera - or not - Meadow Pipit wins again.
Wood Sorrel hides in the shady spots so it was a bit tricky to get this one...
...but then I found some in the sunshine.
Another bird distraction was this young WT Eagle flying over. You can see it's sporting wing tags so it's an east coast bird
Ton of birds, what's that about...Goldcrest was my one hundreth species for the year.
Another plant that will soon be in flower is the Wild Strawberry.
Just to finish with a bird - this is one of many Pied Wagtails around but all of them are male, I've not seen a female of the species yet.

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