Saturday 27 September 2014

On the run

On the way to pick up the guests a bit of movement caught my eye. I could see it was black in colour but I didn't expect to see a cat with a kitten!
The tour got off to a good start with a nice Yellowhammer on the fence and a couple of WT Eagle including this youngster.
About 20 Golden Plover took flight as a Peregrine cruised past at our next stop. Another WT Eagle was seen sitting on a skerry as a couple of Golden Eagle soared above us. The usual array of common birds were seen through the day but a group of Pheasants on the run were worth taking a few shots of.
A Hen Harrier and a WT Eagle were seen just after we'd spent some time with an Otter.


Wilma said...

With those slightly crossed eyes, that mama cat may have a bit of siamese somewhere in her history. Love the pheasant on the run ...

Bryan Rains said...

You are probably right, Wilma, but it must be a long way back.