Thursday, 20 June 2013

Gold amongst the jewels.

Another day of poor weather meant mixing things up again but no lack of sightings. I started the day with a nice Common Snipe at the side of the road...
...and a Redshank in the same location about an hour later when I was heading off to get the guests.
A young Eider had caught a crab...
...while it's mother looked on.
The WT Eagle was almost impossible to see so we left that for later in the day. The Golden Plover were still by the road and they looked like gold amongst the jewels in the wet conditions.
Most people try to avoid the poor weather but it's always an exciting day. We were driving along with the window open and I heard the squeaking calls of an Otter so we stopped for a look and we got good views of two Otters on the shore! We headed off for Mountain Hare (four were seen) but the waders stole the show. A couple of young Redeshank were wandering about...
...and the Lapwing young are looking splendid.
The flowers are finally starting to come through in numbers - plenty of Water Avens...
...Fragrant Orchid, Common Spotted Orchid and Northern Marsh Orchid were seen.
Some of the Whinchat are feeding young now...
...while others appear to have not bothered yet.
A WT Eagle, Golden Eagle and a female Hen Harrier were seen at lunch and another three Otters were seen. A Ringed Plover was nice to see.
We had a good view of a Black Guillemot and cracking views of a WT Eagle right at the end of the day as it flew overhead before it circled around a bit further away.

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