Sunday, 2 June 2013


It was a pretty miserable start to the day as can be seen by this Barn Swallow sitting it out.
Our initial sighting of WT Eagle was a bit grim as it was difficult to see anything through the mist clinging to the trees. We tried from a couple of viewpoints and managed to get a reasonable view.An Otter was seen on the shore a couple of times but we soon lost it when it headed back into the choppy sea. An easier spot was a couple of Common Sandpiper squabbling while a third bird egged them on!
The weather started to clear just in time for a visit to the Golden Eagles. Pretty good views of both birds in flight and sitting on the cliffs, good views of Cuckoo and a superb fly past by one of the Goldies.
We checked out the Wood Warbler and found a Spotted Flycatcher as well then bumped into some Red Deer stags.
We picked up some Red Deer hinds and just as we were going to move on a male Hen Harrier appeared...
...then straight on to Whinchat...
...and an Adder was looking very flat as soaked up the heat.
The Chaffinch is a stunning bird but sadly it's too common for many to take notice!
The Rock Dove is another superb bird but it's just a Pigeon to most people.
There are plenty of Buzzards to see at the moment sitting on posts and hanging in the wind.
A Song Thrush was much admired as it sang at the side of the road...
...and I was surprised to see the Whimbrel but no surprises to find a couple of Mountain Hare.

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