Tuesday 11 November 2014


The ever changing colours of the landscape are something to behold at the moment. It really does change from minute to minute. Further enhancement is provided by the sheep!
There are plenty of Red Deer to be seen close to the road in the mornings but I have missed every chance - the best I've got is the bum shot as they leave.
Another tour, another request. This time it was Golden Eagle at the top of the list and we achieved that in the first 10 minutes. We took in all the common birds along the way with a couple of Yellowhammers, a raft of Eider, a Sparrowhawk mobbing the Goldie, GN Diver and RB Merg were the highlights. There were plenty of Redwing and Fieldfare to be seen.
Four Hen Harriers were seen including 2 males, Greylag, Barnacle, Pink-footed and Greenland White-fronted Geese were all seen in the same field while a Kestrel was hunting just down the road.
The highlight of the day was an immature Golden Eagle hunting the roadside a good distance away from any known territory - awesome!!

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