Wednesday, 4 September 2013


What a miserable day - dreich is the word to use! It didn't spoil the day entirely as there was some good banter along the way. We started off with a brief view of a Mountain Hare followed by some good views of Skylark, Rock Pipit, Whimbrel, Curlew and Dunlin.
It was certainly good weather for the Grey Heron - lovin' it.
We saw a few Red Deer then mostly got wet peering at seals and trying to winkle out some good sightings. We got our reward just before lunch when we spotted two Otters. The male Otter was trying to get the females attention but she wasn't having any of it - lots of chittering when the male clambered out beside her before she saw him off...
...on your way!
We had a WT Eagle for company at lunch. It wasn't going to go anywhere while the rain fell so we had a bit of time before we got a closer look. Very alert but a bit damp!
We had already seen a some RB Merg so a couple of Goosander were nice to see for comparison. Other highlights were Stonechat, Bullfinch, Ringed Plover and Greenshank.

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