Sunday, 2 December 2012

Tucking in.

It feels like I've hardly been out in November but the month is over already. The Waxwings are still flitting about so I thought they would be a good bet before the rain came in. Two thrushes sitting on the wires as I drove past were good enough to stick around while I turned around. The Mistle Thrush only stayed long enough for a couple of snaps...
...and the Fieldfare stayed for a few seconds longer.
Four Waxwings flew in and landed in a tree but the camera wouldn't focus on them. They were back in flight before too long so I took a few flight shots from a distance - I never saw them again!
A large flock of Fieldfare appeared but they wouldn't land so I snapped away at a smaller bird in the flock - it turned out to be a Redwing.
There must have been sixty Fieldfare with just a single Redwing.
I found where the Fieldfare were feeding but they were unapproachable, the Blackbirds were flighty so the only other birds to be seen were the Chaffinches tucking in to the Rowan berries.

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