Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Dicing with death

A quick look through the gulls that were plundering the sprats revealed nothing more exciting than this Black-headed Gull.
When all the gulls rose into the air it was fairly obvious what was going to fly by - a WT Eagle. A Common Buzzard wasn't impressed with the larger bird flying through it's territory so it had a real go at it!
The usual suspects were seen on the tour but the highlights were the three Goosanders...
...and the funky looking family of Red-breasted Mergansers.
The Stonechats have had a good breeding season this year with some of the pairs getting off 3 broods. The adult male is really nice to see.
The Adders are sticking to the sheltered spots and they can move off quickly but with a bit of patience they soon come creeping back out into the open.

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