Saturday, 16 August 2014

A bit fishy

A cracking bird to start the day was this migrant Whinchat.
The swallows at the house have left already but there are still birds feeding young in the nest and others that are almost ready to make that epic journey to Africa.
We had a real treat while looking for the WT Eagles. A young bird was seen to fly off while another two birds circled over the ridge and when we just about to go an adult bird put in an appearance delivering a fish to it's youngster - awesome!
With all the sprats in the shallows the Grey Herons are having a field day.
A particularly tatty WT Eagle was frightening the life out of the gulls - no surprise when you see the size of that bird.
Plenty of other stuff to see through the day. Hen Harrier and Adder spring to mind but this Common Frog was a bit of a bonus.
Catch of the day had to go to the Heron that speared this flatfish. You could hear the splat as it caught the fish then it flew down to some deeper water for a bit of lubrication.

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