Thursday, 30 April 2009
Scottish Malts Reliability Trial
Monday, 27 April 2009
Little Treasures

Saturday, 25 April 2009
Dry day, wet day

Thursday, 23 April 2009
New camera, old news
I took delivery of a new camera in the afternoon but I had to wait for the battery to charge up before I could use it. We had decent views of Hen Harrier, heard a Cuckoo and a Whimbrel that we couldn't locate.
Wednesday was a better day weatherwise and I was armed with the Panasonic FZ28 hoping for some close encounters. Fidden was the starting point for the day and it didn't disappoint. 100 Golden Plover, a few Wheatear, cracking views of Meadow Pipit and Skylark, 3 Whimbrel flying by with a Curlew in tow. We moved on to Uisken where a Raven calling in alarm resulted in seeing a White-tailed Eagle flying over. No sign of the Geese or the Godwit so the camera remained unused. Stunning views of a male Hen Harrier at lunchtime but too distant for a snap and still no Adders - they'll be back. The first attempt with the camera came not too long after lunch with a cracking Great Northern Diver just offshore - result. I couldn't have done this with the digiscoping kit.Otters were next on the hitlist and it didn't take too long. As I was searching the far shore the shout went up for 2 Otters on the near shore. Out with the camera again and it didn't disappoint. This photo has caused a bit of hilarity as it looks like a cross between a bear and a beaver! It wasn't a bad effort for the first attempt but there will be better to come I'm sure. We managed to find another 2 Otters but they were distant, another WT Eagle got on the list and right at the death we bagged 2 Golden Eagle.
I did try to photograph the first WT Eagle but when I switched the camera on all I could see was a photo of Sunny, our cat, and in a panic I couldn't figure out how to get the thing into shooting mode - it won't happen again!
Monday, 20 April 2009
We started the day in style with a Golden Eagle flying low over the ridge and also perched on the hillside. A stroll along the beach gave excellent views of Ringed Plover, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Sand Martin and an elusive Willow Warbler in the scrub. You always see Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach too and on returning to the motor I was asked about the difference between GBB and Lesser Black-backed Gull. Smaller, gentler looking bird with a grey, rather than black, back and yellow legs is the easy way to go but the best way is to find one at the same time - we got a stunning view of one while I was explaining things and another one to photograph in Bunessan.

The afternoon was a leisurely affair but just as exciting with four more Otters seen, a mother with 2 cubs and the dog, stunning views of GN Divers with some in summer plumage and an adult White-tailed Eagle flying through a glen. I managed to see a Cuckoo that we could all hear calling but it was a distant speck - they will be a good feature through the coming weeks as they perform very well up here.
My local Barn Swallows have eventually made it back and it's a real treat to hear the male chittering and buzzing from the wire outside. The song is not unlike the transfer of data you get when you ring a fax machine - I wonder if he's sending messages long distance! Welcome home.

Saturday, 18 April 2009
Last supper
On a lighter note I found my first migrant Common Sandpiper on Thursday having previously seen them in Devon in January. White Wagtail were out in force too with at least 6 down at Fidden - very smart looking birds they are so the camera will have to come out at some point.
I had a quick look round Loch Beg this morning to see what changes there are. The Redshank have reduced in numbers with only 6 found but Greenshank are up to 4, the 2 Shelduck are still putting in appearances, the Ringed Plover are difficult to find but still present and the Ring-billed Gull is still here. The Eider numbers are creeping up with at least 10 today and very photogenic. Plenty of aggravation going on with the females seeming to instigate most of it. As you can see this Eider has found a jet ski to impress the ladies........After all the pushing and shoving they get tired and haul out in a huff - it doesn't look like anyone is speaking in this shot!
Just around the corner from the Eiders I stumbled upon a pair of Grey Wagtail that were collecting nesting material. It was all a bit gruesome to watch as they wandered in amongst the bones of a dead sheep pulling out bits of wool. Much better to see the pose on top of a rock!
I had 2 GN Divers nicely lined up for photos and got distracted by a Willow Warbler for a couple of minutes - no sign of any Divers when I looked back! You can't have a trip around the loch without looking for Otters and it wasn't too long before I had one hauled out on the rocks with a fish. A cracking view through the scope but the heat haze coming off the grass in front put paid to any ideas of photos.
Thursday, 16 April 2009

Lesser Celandine

Wood Anemone
It was worth the wait to get the light for those photographs but we managed to get another Golden Eagle and a male Hen Harrier while I was busy!
We had a fairly impressive list for the day already and the Otters were the only thing we hadn't seen. A supposedly quick stop at the shop turned into a long stop when I picked up this Ring-billed Gull. As you can see it was a battle with the light to get a decent photo but this shot shows the bird quite well. Possibly a first for Mull as, I think, the last record got thrown out.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Easter treats

Sunday, 12 April 2009
Lunchtime was much the same with a Golden Eagle picked up almost immediately only for it to drop out of sight before anyone else saw it. It made another couple of brief appearances before finally clearing the ridge with another bird in tow. They were always distant but prolonged views meant everyone saw them in the scope. We thought the show was over when they disappeared but how wrong we were. Three Golden Eagles appeared from a closer ridge and proceeded to give excellent views with two youngsters chasing each other about and an adult bird displaying. The youngsters didn't seem to notice the adult bird so a show of force was necessary. The adult bird gained a bit of height and came diving down to the youngsters with talons out. It certainly scared the hell out of the Buzzards as at least 6 of them appeared from the trees trying to get above the warring Eagles! What a sight.
There was no way of topping what we had just witnessed but another Otter was a surprise find and the Mountain Hares showed well. Stunning views of the Lapwings and a couple of Golden Plover kept us going. Best sighting of the day had to go the Skylark that did a slow fly by at head height, singing all the way, then landing right in front of us - stunner.

Friday, 10 April 2009
Getting faster!

A trip down to Uisken gave up good scenic views rather than good birds although we did have brief views of a distant juv WT Eagle. The stop for lunch was a race against time as there seemed to be showers approaching from the NW. This Adder was still basking in the sunshine as we arrived and if we'd been 10 minutes later, when the first shower arrived, we probably wouldn't have seen it.

Thursday, in comparison, was an absolute stinker. The cloud base was low and the wind was brisk to say the least. The highlights are different every day and the total species seen differs slightly but you make the best of it. We managed to see a Slow Worm but no Adder, a female Hen Harrier at close quarter cheered up a quiet lunch and the Mountain Hares showed very well despite the conditions. The bird of the day was the male Hen Harrier that allowed us to follow it down the road at no more than 20 yards away - there is always a gem. We'd struggled for Otter through the day too but right at the last we found one asleep on bare rock which is unusual and it was soon awake and showing well. A fitting end to a difficult day.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Too slow!

Monday, 6 April 2009