Monday, 27 May 2013


There are quite a few photo in this one so I'll not have too many words. We started the day in fine style with a male Hen Harrier overhead.
A few GN Divers, a nice Whinchat, a Razorbill and four Otters came next.
While watching the Otters a Willow Warbler was singing in a bush next us.
A posing Skylark at the side of the road.
Two Golden Eagles were seen while we watched the WT Eagle near it's nest. Another two Golden Eagles were seen at their nest site.
A walk in the woods gave us superb views of Wood Warbler...
...and some funky looking Red Deer.
A WT Eagle flying across the loch was a good find while a Whitethroat posed in a bush.
Whinchat, Adder, Cuckoo, Turnstone, Dunlin and Sanderling were all seen well.
A Hen Harrier tried it's best to get it's photo taken but I wasn't up to the job!
A Mountain Hare was having a stretch.
Four Lesser Redpoll were feeding on the grassy part of the shore...
...while five Twite flew over with a couple of them landing on the wires.

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